Thursday 11 October 2012

Intercultural Scenario

The subject of racism immediately pops into my mind, when one talks about intercultural communication. How do we perceive people of other race? Race and ethnicity is often our identity. Our culture communicates our identity. Race and ethnicity is then a fundamental part in communication of our existence. In this blog post, I would like to explore how different cultures view racism and race itself.   

Living in Hong Kong, where the population is mostly mono-ethnic, racism always seems far from home. That is, until I went to the United States. The thing that struck me most was not that racism is still rampant in certain part of United States, but how different cultures view racism and how society may have over compensated for past history or become oversensitive to the subject of racism.

I took anthropology when I was in the U.S, and one of the topics that were discussed was “Race”. We were a fairly culturally diverse class: there were Chinese (me), Native Americans (the tutor), African Americans and U.S Caucasians. In the lab, the tutor spoke of race as a social-political concept He claimed that Race is not a biological concept, albeit it may look like it is. To illustrate, given a skin colour, given a skull structure, give hip size, brow breadth, the most one can conclude is that there is XX% probability that this individual comes from XX lineage. The XX% signifies nothing, however. Race is not a discrete category. To illustrate further, it is like how in Ancient Egypt, instead of paying attention to different skin colour, people paid attention to the various nose size because foreigners and locals differ in nose size. Nose size and skin colour, is biological and ought to have no meaning, unless attribute meaning to it. Ironically, the fact that it is biological, and seemingly irrefutable, lends credence to the meaning that we attribute to it: i.e because we look different, race does exist.

Race was never discussed in United States. When stories pertinent on race appear on the media, all there was, was anger. The Trayvon Maritn case in this year’s May was one of such example. The balck teenager Martin was reported to be shot by a white neighbor watchman George Zimmerman, when he was found “loitering” in a rich neighborhood (when in fact, his father lives there). The public was furious that the police did not arrest him until 6 weeks later and accused the police of racism. They argue that if it were a Caucasian boy that was shot, the suspect would immediately be apprehended.

One interesting fact about this story is that, the suspect was not white. He was the son of a Caucasian man and Hispanic woman. The media oversimplified the story to fuel emotion. Often, American media make it appear as if there’s only black and white, when there are really Hispanics, Chinese, and so on in addition to African-Americans and Caucasian Americans. Secondly, the tutor claimed that when reviewed, the police do have grounds for not apprehending him immediately. The tutor asked whether we are over-compensating for past history?

To further his point, there is another case where a Caucasian from a low-income family was denied a place in university because the university has quota for minorities. Instead of admitting the Caucasian, a minority individual, with lower score was admitted. The Caucasian who also worked very hard on the SAT sued the school for its reverse-discrimination policies. This again begs the question, is reverser discrimination really just then?

These two case studies and the fact no one dared to comment during the tutorial for fear of offending people hit very close to my home because I was twice accused of being a racist when I was around 10.

In summer, ten years ago, it was really common to bring a spray bottle and spray water on your face to cool yourselves down. One of the boys standing behind me while queuing for the bus, accused me of spraying him on purpose. The argument escalated and we took it to the teacher on duty, who was an African American. Next week, the principal approached me one on one and asked whether I was making trouble for the teacher on duty because of her skin colour. I was shocked at that time, as the concept of race barely register. I cried vehemently, thinking how absurd it is that I went from “bullying a fellow student” to “bullying a teacher”. I was forced to apologize, which I did, but when I tried to clear my name, I couldn’t continue beyond “Sorry, but...”

In the same year, I told a Chinese- New Zealand mixed girl about how I disliked my classmate Sarah, who happens to be African American, because she cuts line and once said to me condescendingly  “only babies expect people to queue properly” when I confronted her. Her immediate response was "Are you being a racist?" To be fair, I must say that I used the word “hut yun chung” which means “begs people to hate you” as a phrase Cantonese, but is also homophones with the individual words “black-people-hate”. Still, the question hurt, and still hurts.

The two personal experiences kind of made me wanted to say yes to both of the questions that he asks. But the fact is, I don't know. I really don't know. Still, even if I believe so, I wouldn't have dared say yes, for fear of being labeled as a racist. Do you think the American society is being too sensitive on the subject of race? Do you think Singaporeans are too sensitive on race? Update: What are your thoughts on the NTUC director being sacked for her racist comment?***

***As a disclaimer, I must say that racism is a real thing (in fact, I was very much a victim of it in New Zealand, if your interested, please continue to read***

In New Zealand, our family's car was vandalized. Someone damaged our car and wrote "Fucking Chinese" on our window. I expected racism to a certain extent so this did not surprised me, though it did scared me. What surprised me is that when we reported this to the police, the police asked us to fake an insurance claim in order to get compensation. They seem to believe that all we care about is money, and care not how we get the money. Whether this is an impression that we gave them (which I doubt, since my mom was mostly worried about our personal safety and was furious when they suggested us breaking the law) or whether it was their perception of Chinese being a Scrooge, I guess we will never know.


  1. Awesome post as always Ka Yan!

    Should you ever lose interest in the business world , you could always fall back on journalism, really!

    Race is a very sensitive topic. One that one should always tread carefully upon. In Singapore there is a talk of widespread xenophobia or anti foreigner attitudes. But it's really funny how when I compare it to the racially charged comments the Amy cheong incident has garnered. To me the underlying issues are the same . Hate and misunderstanding ,stemming from a lack of understanding and apathy. But what I cannot understand is why is xenophobia so easily tolerated while racism is so criticised.

    "If you prick us do we not bleed? if you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?"

    Perhaps I'm detracting so let's get back to the main topic. Is race really down to the way we look? Perhaps to a certain extent. But personally I'm not a very shrewd observer of such difference(if any). For example I most certainly wouldn't be able to tell an American apart from someone from Europe or even from Egypt. Maybe it is just me but even within the Asian context , i sometimes find myself unable to differentiate the different ethnicity , amongst Japanese, Korean and Chinese. But what is always more evident is the way they carry themselves.

    For instance my first impression when I first saw you was that you were Singaporean, but from the moment you spoke I knew that wasn't the case. So perhaps you were an Australian exchange student. Never in my mind did Hong Kong come to mind .For instance my first impression when I first saw you was that you were Singaporean, but from the moment you spoke I knew that wasn't the case. So perhaps you were an Australian exchange student. Never in my mind did Hong Kong come to mind . Similarly for Andy, I wouldn't have thought that he was a Malaysian until he revealed it. What I realised is that one can take on a certain culture after a period of time immersed in it and is definitely not restricted to ones race or country.

    1. hahaha, you were only using australia an random example right? or do i sound or look australian?

    2. Sound lah, haha. You have that slightly accented Australian tone . The first time you spoke I didn't look behind (I was sitting right in front) and i wondered since when did we have a Caucasian girl in class when the only Caucasian I remembered seeing was tobi .

  2. I have always wondered that since race has no taxonomic significance, why the concept of classifying humans by races arise. But since unfortunately the world has evolved to be in such a manner where race is part of our identity, we have to accept that.

    Sadly I think racism is in everyone, either supressed or outwardly expressed. To cite an example, my friend, stressed with the NUS academic rigour, suddenly expressed racist comments, vandalising a poster of a China student campaigning for the Counsellor Elections. She even gave nicknames to the China students she disliked. I was shocked by this sudden change of personality, mind you, she used to be a rational person. I then realised that people, under stressed conditions, will tend to seek a scapegoat to unleash all their anger upon. It reminds me of how Jews are made the scapegoats by the Nazis in the war. and since the scholars in school are usually the ones that spoil the bellcurve, I understand why she channelled her anger towards them. But one thing to note is that although in this case, she might be seen as racist, I kind of disagree. I bet if people of her own race are doing well, they will be the scapegoats instead. So to answer your question, I do think people are too sensitive on races, after all, races are just a classification tool to identify people. People dislike others because of their individual traits and their races are carelessly thrown in.

    and in response to the Amy Cheong's incident, I understand why she was angry, trust me, I was grumbling when my Malay neighbour was having her wedding reception under my void deck, but I disagree with her choice of ranting online and her choicewords. Haha. Tolerance is part of a Singaporean's culture, for instance I have to tolerate the incense burning every time August comes around. Actually her response to noise is quite tame, just an online comment so to answer your qn, I think sacking her might be a little harsh?

  3. Kayan, it's interesting how you concretize race (something I've always thought is a soft subject) with scientific studies - gives us something to ponder over.

    I guess it depends whether race is a biological and social construct, to me it's both to a certain extent. For example, it's irrefutable that different races look different, and this is also something that you agreed, too. This reality would still exist even without agreement, because it is fact, and hence biological construct. The problem comes when we care about these differences - we start to treat people differently, merely based on how they look, which is superficial. Today's society has taken something intrinsically valueless (ie. physical differences in skull size, nose, whatever) and developed it into a whole set of values and perceptions (ie. blacks tend to be poorer, etc). And from there on, it's just a slippery slope into determining whether someone will grow up to be a murderer or robber based on his skull size.

    And another thing about race: it's easy to judge someone based on his race (or physical characteristics) because it's convenient and quick - and that increases its danger. We should be more conscious of harbouring such thoughts, so that we can steer clear of dangerous actions.

    Let's hope that the future generations will not have to experience something as scary like what you have experienced at New Zealand :\
