Tuesday 13 November 2012

Reflection on Oral Presentation

I am a very self-conscious and nervous speaker. I cannot use cue cards because I tend to over-rely on them. I cannot memorize a speech, because I tend to recite rather than deliver. So, for preparation, I did a number of dry runs to familiarize myself with the content to the point that I could talk about it even under stage fright. Watching the video of myself, however, I find that this worked only to a certain extent: the dry runs led me to over-rely on the powerpoint instead! I might be exaggerating, but I probably had more “eye contact” with the screen than with the audience.

In terms of body language and delivery, however, I felt that I have grown more confident. I did not slouch or fidget. My hand gestures were bigger and more definite. I was able to use my hands to emphasize statistics, (e.g. “over 50%...”). In addition, I also made use of Professor Jaidev’s suggestion to use pauses and signposts when I say “Next, let us talk about gender differences”. In general, I also had more tonal inflection and was able to stress on certain words.

However, I still lack in many areas. For example, I still spend too much at the screen. While my eye contact with the audience improved as the presentation went on, I focus too much on the right side. When passing the time on to Bernice, I also kept my eyes on my group mates rather the audience.

Last but not least, although I was quite fluent in general, I appeared a bit flustered when I explained how our survey consist mostly of dichotomous and check the box answers (4:45-4:53).

Content-wise, I agree with most of my classmates that I was too specific when explaining our research methods and statistics. It was not our presentation’s main focus and yet we allocated a quarter of the time to it, as compared to the less-than-half-an-hour that solution gets. With regard to the Q&A session, I also feel that we could have shown more group cohesion by standing together in one line and standing straighter.

With respect to the use of visual aids, I believe our choice of PowerPoint has been correct one in that others such as prezi, while may score higher in terms of animation, seemed more of a distraction. I find the background of the blue-sky appropriate as it seem metaphorical of the bring future that Singapore would have if the situation of low birth rate was alleviated. I would have preferred a more minimalistic in terms of style I felt that our slides were apt in that it was clear and concise.

In sum, I feel that our presentation could have been better, although not bad. =)


  1. Hi,

    I thought you did a good job :)
    I noticed that you took note of your mistakes that you made in the peer teaching and avoided those for this presentation. Yes, you tended to rely a bit on your slides but I think you had to do that because you were concentrating a lot on the statistics. So may be if you had done some other part or reduced the importance of statistics in your presentation you would have done an excellent job.

    I fell you are naturally a good speaker, other than those things you did quite well. I liked the tone and the pace of your part of the presentation. I think the only mistake you made was to concentrate a lot on the statistics.

    So apart from those minor glitches, a job well done :)

  2. Hello Ka Yan! I thought you did great in your last presentation! Although I didn’t have the chance to work with you in a group before, I could really tell that you put in a lot of effort to prepare that speech of yours! And surely, you sounded much more professional in your latter presentation. I really admire your bravery to not memorize what you’re going to say! I haven’t been able to loosen up like that just yet. And just like that you’ve predicted yourself to react if you were to memorize the script, I find myself sometimes getting caught up in my lines! It’s something I have to improve too! In all, I honestly thought you sounded fluent although you didn’t think so. In fact, I didn’t even notice that flutter!

    Oh yes, I was just thinking: I guess for your presentation one doesn’t need to be so specific but for presentations that do require more stats/details maybe you could really put your skills to good use! You would surely excel there; after all, you’re really good at that! So, just keep doing what you do best! Take care and I’ll see you soon! (:

  3. Ka yan,

    I think you give yourself less credit than your due. I think you are one of the better speakers in class. If I had a list you would be in the top 5. I remembered the first time you presented, you were able to explain the concepts on communication with complicated models , yet at the same time it was very intriguing . In that short presentation you were able to show your wits and you seemed very comfortable in that arena. I didn’t feel like you were arrogant , you were just being friendly.

    On hindsight we should have allocated you a better topic because the statistics portion was really lengthy and dry. We had made the assumption that you being a business major would be more comfortable with dealing with statistics. I felt like if you were given a better topic you could have shone what you were truly capable of.

  4. Hellos Ka Yan!

    I agree with Ye Chuan! You should give more credit to yourself! I thought your presentation was really good as compared to your previous peer teaching (not that it wasn't good but you were even better this time). :) I always felt that statistical analysis was the most tedious and difficult part to present but from what I saw at the rear, your thought process was very clear. Also, you spoke eloquently and this was perhaps the reason why I didn't catch any glitches or flutters that you mentioned in your post!
    I am really impressed by your good articulation during the presentation and I am saying this not because I want to be nice or something. It is the truth especially when you mentioned that English is not your first language.

    I admire your courage for not using any cue cards, afterall, your portion on statistical analysis required you to remember facts and evidences. Despite being a debater, this is something I can never do. This is something I should learn from you!

    As for the part on Q&A, I thought our group answered the questions well though. Not standing together was unintentional I guess.

    Oh and please keep your HK accent while you continue to improve on your spoken english! I love listening to it! Laughs!

  5. Ka Yan!

    I really feel your evaluation of yourself is a bit harsh. I've always felt that you are a fantastic speaker, with very good articulation and voice projection. Couple that with the accent Bernice spoke about above, and you're a natural!

    The topic that you had chosen is a bit dry as it is highly quantitative. But I felt that you pulled it off quite well. It is also highly creditable that you were able pull it off without using any aids such as cue cards. I guess that led to spending a greater time looking at the screen. Next time just try and be conscious of that while presenting.

    Next time, I guess you could also filter your content slightly. Overall though I felt it was a great presentation on your part. Keep working on the points that you have mentioned, and you will become a fine orator!
